Gregg Braden Divine Matrix Pdf Download

The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden

A Book Review

Jackie Ann

A beautiful and fascinating read, The Divine Matrix sheds light on the deepest nature of reality as well as our own ability and responsibility to utilize our intrinsic power to create and shape that reality. Essentially, we are creative beings and through our thoughts and beliefs, we give life to the external world. Our inner reality is inextricably connected to our outer reality. I am fascinated by the creative process, so this truth deeply resonates with me. As a poet I often feel in awe of this process, especially during the inspirational stage when I am first allowing the words to flow through me. It is a transcendent experience; an experience through which I feel that I am touching something beyond myself and reaching beyond my own limited perspective. It feels expansive and fruitful — in fact, it quite literally feels divine. To understand that life itself is created from this feeling the same way a poem is created from it is exquisitely beautiful. And it feels like truth.

Gregg Braden outlines twenty key points that describe the nature of our universe and the power that our emotions and beliefs play in terms of creating this outer reality. I am particularly fascinated by the idea that the universe is a hologram. What this essentially means is that reality itself — from our daily lives to the explosion of a star billions of light years away — is actually a projection from a deeper, implicit reality that we are not able to be directly experience. Reality may be much more complex than we can even fathom. This idea has been proposed by several other thought leaders and scientists, and even in the physics community it is believed to be a possibility. When several different sources from different branches of science, philosophy, and spirituality point to the truth of something, that truth can't be dismissed off-hand.

Another interesting fact about holograms is that in a hologram, every tiny part contains the entire whole. If the universe itself functions like a hologram, then every part of it — you and I included — contains the entire whole. The universe is inside all of us. This feels accurate to me; it is in line with my personal sense of spirituality. Everything is connected and everything is essentially one. Oneness may be the most important truth of our reality and one which humanity is struggling to truly understand.

In addition to outlining facts and theories, Gregg Braden also offers personal anecdotes which help support his ideas. These stories add depth and intimacy to the book. One story in particular that intrigued me was his experience with a monk who had learned to master the power of his thoughts. If we are all connected in a holographic universe, it would make perfect sense that our thoughts and feelings can not only influence reality but actually create it. The power of belief is another idea that is explored by multiple sources, including the physics community. The famous "double-slit" experiment basically proved that an electron only has a definite location in space when we observe it. When not observed, the electron essentially exists everywhere as a probability wave. It only becomes tied to a specific location when we observe it. Our observation creates reality as we know it. While physics doesn't generally want to veer off into "pseudo" or spiritual territory, it can't be denied that even in the hard sciences, we are coming to the same conclusions as the "non-hard" sciences.

The monk, who had mastered the power of his thoughts, was able to sit completely immobile regardless of how many people tried to push him over. In his mind, he pictured himself between two mountains. Because he had become a master of this type visualization, he truly believed himself to be between two mountains. And that belief created a reality in which he was truly unable to be moved! Gregg says everyone in the class tried their hardest to push him over but he wouldn't budge; it was as if he was bolted in place. When we truly believe something and behave as if this belief is true, somehow we create reality. Our beliefs and emotions actually build our reality. This idea blew me away.

If these ideas are true, what does that say about our lives and about reality as we know it? Perhaps we don't know it after all. Perhaps there is an infinite amount of things we don't know and we are only able to comprehend a tiny bit of a much vaster and unknowable reality.

These are just a few thoughts that scratch the surface of this fascinating and unique read. I highly recommend you pick up a copy and get ready for a wild ride! I love books that challenge my preconceived notions and invite me to step outside the limited perspective of my personal lens. If you do too, then you absolutely will not regret reading this book.

Jacqueline Ann 2020


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